Display 1761 - 1800 hits of 7428.
R-Rgraphviz | 1.32.0-2 | i586 | Provides plotting capabilities for R graph objects | Mandrake Other |
R-RGtk2 | 2.20.21-1 | i586 | R bindings for Gtk 2.8.0 and above | Mandrake Other |
R-RGtk2Extras | 0.5.0-1 | i586 | Data frame editor and dialog making wrapper for RGtk2 | Mandrake Other |
R-rJava | 0.9_3-1 | i586 | Low-level R to Java interface | Mandrake Other |
R-rlecuyer | 0.3_3-1 | i586 | R interface to RNG with multiple streams | Mandrake Other |
R-rmeta | 2.16-1 | noarch | Meta-Analysis | Mandrake Other |
R-Rmpi | 0.5_9-3 | i586 | Interface (Wrapper) to MPI (Message-Passing Interface) | Mandrake Other |
R-rms | 3.4_0-1 | i586 | Regression Modeling Strategies | Mandrake Other |
R-robustbase | 0.8_0-1 | i586 | Basic Robust Statistics | Mandrake Other |
R-ROCR | 1.0_4-1 | noarch | Visualizing the performance of scoring classifiers | Mandrake Other |
R-RODBC | 1.3_4-2 | i586 | ODBC Database Access | Mandrake Other |
R-rpanel | 1.0_6-2 | i586 | Simple Interactive Controls for R Using the tcltk Package | Mandrake Other |
R-rpart.plot | 1.2_2-1 | i586 | Plot rpart models. An enhanced version of plot.rpart | Mandrake Other |
R-rpvm | 1.0_4-1 | i586 | R interface to PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) | Mandrake Other |
R-Rsamtools | 1.6.3-2 | i586 | Binary alignment (BAM), variant call (BCF), or tabix file im | Mandrake Other |
R-rscproxy | 1.3_1-1 | i586 | statconn: provides portable C-style interface to R (StatConn | Mandrake Other |
R-rsprng | 1.0-1 | i586 | R interface to SPRNG (Scalable Parallel Random Number Genera | Mandrake Other |
R-RSQLite | 0.11.1-1 | i586 | SQLite interface for R | Mandrake Other |
R-RSvgDevice | | i586 | An R SVG graphics device | Mandrake Other |
R-RSVGTipsDevice | 1.0_4-1 | i586 | An R SVG graphics device with dynamic tips and hyperlinks | Mandrake Other |
R-Rsymphony | 0.1_14-1 | i586 | Symphony in R | Mandrake Other |
R-rtracklayer | 1.14.4-2 | i586 | R interface to genome browsers and their annotation tracks | Mandrake Other |
R-RUnit | 0.4.26-1 | i586 | R Unit test framework | Mandrake Other |
R-sampleSelection | 0.6_12-1 | i586 | Sample Selection Models | Mandrake Other |
R-sandwich | 2.2_9-2 | i586 | Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators | Mandrake Other |
R-scatterplot3d | 0.3_33-1 | i586 | 3D Scatter Plot | Mandrake Other |
R-sem | 2.1_1-1 | noarch | Structural Equation Models | Mandrake Other |
R-seriation | 1.0_6-1 | i586 | Infrastructure for seriation | Mandrake Other |
R-sets | 1.0_8-1 | i586 | Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals | Mandrake Other |
R-sfsmisc | 1.0_19-1 | noarch | Utilities from Seminar fuer Statistik ETH Zurich | Mandrake Other |
R-sgeostat | 1.0_24-1 | i586 | An Object-oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in | Mandrake Other |
R-shapefiles | 0.6-1 | noarch | Read and Write ESRI Shapefiles | Mandrake Other |
R-shapes | 1.1_5-1 | noarch | Statistical shape analysis | Mandrake Other |
R-ShortRead | 1.12.4-2 | i586 | Classes and methods for high-throughput short-read sequencin | Mandrake Other |
R-siatclust | 1.0.5-1 | i586 | Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Clustering Suite | Mandrake Other |
R-slam | 0.1_23-1 | i586 | Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices | Mandrake Other |
R-sm | 2.2_4.1-1 | noarch | Smoothing methods for nonparametric regression and density e | Mandrake Other |
R-sna | 2.2_0-2 | i586 | Tools for Social Network Analysis | Mandrake Other |
R-snow | 0.3_8-1 | noarch | Simple Network of Workstations | Mandrake Other |
R-snowfall | 1.84-1 | i586 | Easier cluster computing (based on snow) | Mandrake Other |